LED Spot 150W
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
BeamZ Panther 40 LED Spot mkII / BeamZ Led Spot Panther 70
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
Light4me NN 408 WASH
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
Colorstage DELTA 100 BEAM
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
Eurolite LED SLS-7 TCL / SLS-18 TCL
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
IMG Stageline SPOTWASH-3048
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
Involight TRINITY 150 LED
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
U'King Mini Beam Light and Laser
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
American DJ Inno BEAM LED - SHOW DMX
Zestaw sekwencji przygotowanych w programie Freestyler dla 4 szt. American DJ Inno BEAM LED
Evolights iQ 200 S - SHOW DMX
Zestaw sekwencji przygotowanych w programie Freestyler dla Evolights iQ 200 S
Colorstage ZEN PAR 27 RGBW
File fixture to control the device in Freestyler DMX.
Flash Butrym DIAMOND 90 - SHOW DMX
Zestaw sekwencji przygotowanych w programie Freestyler dla 4 szt. Flash Butrym DIAMOND 90